Education, solidarity and social inclusion

Solution: Solidarité & Inclusion

Solution: Solidarité & Inclusion is a
non profit association promoting solidarity through education.

Like a puzzle piece, Solution links solidarity and inclusion by giving everyone the opportunity to participate in training courses and workshops funded by the European Union.

Our mission? To break down stereotypes and promote cohesion across cultures and generations through learning activities in France and in Europe.


Solution is involved as a partner and as a coordinator in many European projects funded by the Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens and AMIF programmes. Thanks to the support of these funds, we organized a high number of training activities with the collaboration of our European partners and we gave the opportunity to over 200 participants to take part in our learning courses across Europe.


Find out about the latest news of our projects and workshops in Europe and in France! From workshops in Europe about how to recycle old clothes to training courses to improve youth worker skills or local debates about active engagement in Europe, you will find here many news related to our latest activities!